Women's soccer is a sport that was controlled by the male public, every conversation that women promoted around the game generated a rejection, there arose the opportunity to highlight equality and inclusion in a campaign supporting the Copa America Femenina.

The Challenge
Highlight the Mastercard Communication Platform "United for inclusion" capitalizing on an event such as the Women's Conmebol Copa America, where the brand had to highlight its commitment to women's football by promoting inclusion, highlighting equality and taking it to tangible actions of alliances with allied brands in Colombia.
Insight and Strategy
Within any sporting event, male and even female, the environment was controlled by the male audience, however the moments of consumption always occur before, during and after the games, this gave us an opportunity to promote a campaign focused on inclusion but highlighting equality in sport, and taking advantage of actions that will improve business indicators; for this we promoted different media actions around the Copa America Femenina where the protagonists were the women players and capitalizing on the different moments of consumption (before, during and after), and also counting on local actions in Colombia that promoted business actions through different allied brands, with whom through the cardholders who acquired purchases in their businesses would be making donations and could participate for exclusive experiences associated with the Conmebol Copa America Femenina 2022.
Execution, Solution and Innovation
The media environment and conversation around football was completely dominated by the male public. For example 1 of 5 women report being rejected while participating in social networks around the game, suffering discrimination from other fans, however, the audiences around the consumption of sporting events in LAC had been presenting an important participation by the female public. All this gave us the opportunity to create a strategy with a high level of awareness and showing the commitment of the brand around inclusion and equality surrounding the Copa America Femenina. We used different actions to highlight Mastercard's commitment such as showcasing women's participation in the tournament and the brand assets (Player of the Match) and promoting conversation around the event largely by female talent in the main media. Our launch event in partnership with the foundation 'tiempo de Juego' was attended by influencers including players of the women's national team and Colombian football narrators. We also amplified actions by promoting donations that cardholders could make participating in exclusive brand experiences associated with the tournament. We developed an innovative OOH strategy, with a 3D animation, this strategy to be focused on awareness allowed us to have an incremental reach of 3 points closing with a 73% reach +3.
Result and Business Effect
At the LAC level we obtained:
- 4.671 final trp´s: +2% Vs planned
- 72 MM Views (Kpi accomplished)
- +311MM Impressions (14% Vs planned)
And through the actions in Colombia, in order to boost the business through donations that cardholders would make through their transactions with allied brands was achieved:
- $15.6K usd in donations (+66% Vs el objective)
- 13% Mastercard share (+2pp Vs 2021)