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Mastercard - Reviving Peru's Restaurants


Identifying new forms of consumption and new behaviours enabled Mastercard to solidify their central position in Peru’s restaurant sector.


The pandemic accelerated the use of digital commerce in LATAM, with Peru being one of the leading markets. Under this scenario, Mastercard needed to position itself at the center of this new scenario and leverage this new trend. It became necessary to understand the new forms of consumption and identify new behaviors to connect consumers effectively.


A month before launching the campaign, we analyzed which days of the week users visited restaurants the most, if they preferred to have dinner or lunch, and which were the predominant hours to visit them. Analyzing information on consumption intention in our audience platform, we identified that consumers were spending more time than ever on online sales platforms, and we also had to promote visits to the physical stores of our strategic partners, thus generating an increase in the average ticket within the premises.

Based on the insights regarding new consumer behaviors in a post-pandemic context, where old normalities went away, such as walking down the street without restrictions or a moderate consumption of online content consumption, we had to draw up a strategy that would allow us to integrate the new behaviors with the need of directing consumers to physical restaurants. The strategy that we carried out was meta mobility, which sought to impact our consumers both in their online and offline worlds, by interacting with them dynamically, crossing the data and measuring the results obtained in both environments at the same time. The leverage effect behind this was to offer discounts and special benefits in the main restaurant chains in Peru, paying with Mastercard cards to increase traffic to the premises and consequently improve their average ticket.


We created an OOH strategy through digital posters in points that were close to the allied restaurants. Using the platform audiences, we identified users who walked by the screens and then made actual visits to the physical branches, thus being able to attribute these conversion results to our communication. We monitored the viewability of the billboards on public roads, measuring their performance with a unique level of detail, to the point of knowing how much time each user spent in front of them, and which restaurant appeared after being exposed to the message. In parallel, for the online world, we activated two strategies with different creativities to impact the same user, generating different measurable results that we presented integrated in a single report. Using GPS Ads, showing in a dynamic way the offers of the participating restaurants of our campaign and indicating to users which were the closest branches to their location, so they could take advantage of the promotion instantly and choose their best route. Also, Click to Call Ads were implemented, which, based on a dynamic ad, allowed the user to call the restaurant to place a delivery or make a reservation without leaving the banner.


Results Volume and Transactions vs same period 2021:

Burger King:

  • +52% in transactions (tx)
  • +50% in volume


  • +40% in tx
  • +54% in volume

Madam Tusan:

  • +27% in tx
  • +45% in volume

Pizza Hut:

  • +18% in tx
  • +15% in volume

Volume increased above merchants’ growth (BK:7%/Pizza Hut7%/Chilis 8%/Madam Tusan 22%)

Incremental Volume generated: US$349k

ROI: $2.5 (MA Investment us$100k)