The Duality of Media


Media moves at the speed of culture, and culture is changing faster than ever before. To usher in 2024, Carat and Vox Media set out to define the new cultural framework - from understanding the role that media and culture play in consumers’ lives, the forces that shape how culture is consumed and spread, and how brands can harness culture to create deeper consumer connections.

Through a joint research study, we uncovered a dueling need for culture to satisfy both niche and mass connections. This desire for balance is reshaping media and culture in fundamental ways.

 Key findings from our study include:

  • Consumers are out of balance. Media engagement presents an opportunity to develop both individual and shared identities. This desire to strike a better balance has consumers re-evaluating their relationship with media channels and platforms.
  • Social media is becoming “too niche”. An over-reliance on algorithms has left consumers feeling isolated and disconnected, with 1 in 3 believing that their feed is too specific, as a result, half are sharing less on social media platforms than they once were.
  • Consumers seek genuine connections. Consumers want media that brings them together. Amplifying niche culture on a mass scale helps individuals feel seen and lets consumers connect around shared interests.

So what does this mean for marketers? Download the full report here to explore all the findings from our research study and what today’s consumers expect from media.  

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