We have some great news to share out of our Nordic region to bring in the New Year. The fantastic Carat Denmark team have been awarded Media Agency of the Year 2024 by MyImage (MyResearch). Since 2008, MyImage analysis has been used to shed light on decision makers’ perspectives of 14 media agencies in Denmark. A record number of 1,028 marketeers contributed to the 2024 analysis which covered awareness, satisfaction, and preference, as well as the agency’s image on a range of qualitative parameters. The rigor and breadth of analysis highlights just how incredible Carat Denmark is to have been awarded Media Agency of the Year 2024!
The team at Carat Denmark wish to share their thanks: “The biggest thanks to all our partners, customers, and all our fantastic colleagues at dentsu - none of this would have been possible without you!”
Read on to learn more about why Carat Denmark was awarded such a prestigious award.
Route to success
Carat Denmark’s foundation is built on assembling the most talented individuals. By firmly believing in hiring the best people, Carat Denmark have successfully cultivated superior client teams. Fostering talent has enabled Carat Denmark to establish a strong foundation for successful partnerships with their valued clients. A client-centric and talent focused strategy is the core belief of Carat Denmark and continues to be their ambition in the years ahead.
Achievement highlights
Incredibly, Carat Denmark have been awarded MyImages’ Media Agency of the Year award two years in a row. This success is largely due, amongst other reasons, to Carat Denmark’s top ranking in the following three categories: good at delivering results, strategically strong, and good at negotiating prices and terms. These categories showcase the team’s ability to drive business growth whilst ensuring client success and development.
Not only was Carat Denmark successful in this ranking, but dentsu X has also been ranked second, meaning that both the first and second places are within dentsu. This is media agency history, as this has never been seen in Denmark before!