Oilbhe Doyle

Group Business Director, Carat Ireland
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Oilbhe  has  15 years experience in the media industry, across a variety of local and global brands. Oilbhe has been with Carat for over 6 yrs, in her role as a business director she is responsible for the delivery of media strategies and innovations for a suite of clients, ensuring seamless integration of agency and media specialists into client planning and overseeing her team's workload and progression. Oilbhe is a determined leader, who brings client service to the highest possible level by building solid relationships all around her. Oilbhe's analytical skills mean she has the ability to find a solution to any problem.  Always results-focussed - negotiating deals, media firsts, and bonus;  striving for opportunities to develop a client’s businesses. Developing efficient and effective systems and ways of working is a key strong point for her. Oilbhe’ s degree in film and broadcasting gave her a thirst for creativity which she exhibits in her strategic work for clients and in her characteristic writing style in industry articles and research pieces.

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